The Mercer University Student Health Form is required and must be signed by a physician or other health care provider, and stamped with the provider’s name and address. Students are encouraged to keep a photocopy of this completed form for their personal records.
All students born after 1956 must provide a statement of immunization against Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR), giving the month, day, and year of immunization. A statement of “up to date” is not sufficient. Two doses of Measles (Rubeola) vaccine, two doses of Mumps vaccine, and one dose of Rubella are required. Students must have been at least 12 months old when the first Measles dose was received. Previous diagnosis of disease is proof of immunity against Measles and Mumps (a physician’s statement is required), but not proof of Rubella.
If a student is unable to provide dates of immunization to Measles, Mumps, and Rubella, he or she may document immunity by blood test, at the student’s expense. If this testing shows no immunity to Measles, Mumps, or Rubella, the student may register following documentation of the first dose of MMR, with the second to follow in thirty (30) days, if required.
Tuberculosis (TB) screening (within the past year) is required of all new students. Students at risk for TB will be required to have a PPD skin test (Mantoux). The Tine tuberculosis test is not acceptable. Students should be tested regardless of prior BCG vaccination. Any student with a positive skin test will be required to provide a report of a normal chest x-ray (done after the positive PPD) to be eligible to register. A physician should evaluate individuals with a positive tuberculosis skin test.
Do not assume that childhood immunizations are adequate; requirements have changed during the past several years. Medical facilities in the U.S. and in other countries are required to keep records of vaccinations. Additional sources of immunization information include doctors’ offices, health departments, and schools. Students should make copies of the completed health form for their own files, and then mail the original forms. Do not rely on health care providers, family members, or other colleges to mail the forms.
Exemptions from compliance with the immunization policy include:
- Religious exemption, written on letterhead stationery, signed by a religious official and notarized.
- Medical exemption, written on office stationery, and signed by a health care provider. The letter should state the reason for the exemption, and whether the exemption is permanent or temporary.
- Immunizations for the following diseases are recommended, but not mandatory: chickenpox (varicella), hepatitis A, hepatitis B, polio, and tetanus. The most recent tetanus booster should have been within the past 10 Immunization against meningococcal meningitis is recommended for college students.
Some academic programs have additional immunization requirements. Students are advised to check with their college or school program for any additional requirements.
Health Insurance Requirements
University policy mandates that all enrolled students (except those in distance learning and in the regional academic centers) must maintain health insurance coverage. Students are automatically charged by the University for health insurance every time they register for classes. This charge can be removed by completing the online waiver form before the end of the waiver period. To complete the waiver process, go to Students must complete the waiver before the stated deadline. Failure to complete this form before the deadline will result in insurance being purchased for you and charged to your account.