PharmD Curriculum

Our curriculum combines classroom learning with experiential activities, focusing on patient-centered outcomes. In their first year, students learn patient assessment, clinical, and counseling skills in the Pharmacy Simulation and Clinical Skills Laboratory. They further develop these skills through experiential activities in their second, third, and fourth years. Students complete introductory and advanced pharmacy practice experiences at leading medical and teaching hospitals, as well as in various pharmacy practice settings across Georgia and the country. Unique to Mercer’s Pharm.D. Program are four exceptional fourth-year opportunities: Advanced Clinical Track, Global Medical Missions, Indian Health Service, and International Pharmacy.

Mercer’s “spiral” learning style introduces broad concepts initially and then delves into more complex topics, emphasizing the skills needed for pharmacy care.

Comprehensive Patient-Centered Care courses in the P1-P3 years to prepare students for managing patients with complex conditions. The Integrated Patient Care sequence provides a broad foundation in pharmacy practice. Our Specialty Pharmacy Practice course in the P3 year covers the management and pharmacotherapy of advanced pharmacy practice areas.

Our courses align with what students encounter in their rotations:

  • Infectious disease and endocrine topics are in the P2 year to reflect their prevalence in community pharmacy rotations. The more complex nervous system is covered in the P3 year, preparing students for advanced rotations in the P4 year.
  • Introductory Law teaches P1 students the essentials before their initial rotations. Advanced Law in the P3 year explores complex aspects of pharmacy law through case-based scenarios, preparing students for advanced rotations in the P4 year.
  • Each Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience now lasts three weeks, giving students more time to learn about pharmacy operations.

Click here for the full course list.