P3 Student Selected for Prestigious APPE Rotation

Mercer University College of Pharmacy proudly announces that Alyssa DeAngelo, a P3 student, has been selected for a highly sought-after Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) rotation at Xcenda. This prestigious opportunity welcomes just 25 pharmacy students from across the country.
I’m excited to see what pharmacists can do outside of clinical care,” Alyssa said. “This is kind of a non-traditional opportunity for a pharmacy student regarding rotations. Typically, we think of clinical rotations and in a hospital, but this one is outside the box.”
Beginning in June, Alyssa will gain invaluable insights into pharmacists’ diverse roles, responsibilities, and daily activities within the pharmaceutical industry. The Xcenda rotation provides a unique opportunity to explore healthcare interventions’ clinical, economic, and humanistic outcomes, focusing on pharmacoeconomics and healthcare quality assessment. During this immersive experience, Alyssa will be exposed to the entire research lifecycle, from proposal development and data analysis to manuscript preparation, gaining practical skills in conducting quality-focused, outcomes-based research.
“Our students are highly competitive for prestigious APPEs like this, and we are proud to offer them exceptional opportunities,” said Dr. Christine Klein, Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Vice Chair for Experiential Education. “In addition to their strong academic qualifications, our students possess a demonstrated track record of diverse experience and qualifications, making them highly competitive for these rotations.”
Mercer students consistently secure APPEs with major pharmaceutical companies, including Eli Lily, where P3 students Tatiahna Belton and Logan Anderson will complete their rotations next year. Additionally, students can gain hands-on experience at the FDA, CDC, and prestigious local healthcare systems like Grady, Northside, Emory Healthcare, Piedmont, and Children’s Hospital of Atlanta.